Department of Commerce


The Department of Commerce offers B. Com Honours, B.Com, M. Com and Research programmes which give an exposure to the students to the recent developments in management and accounting practices.

For achieving this objective, our institution has selected ‘Finance’ as optional subject along with various core, complementary, open and general combinations. B. Com  programme includes 8 semesters having 17 core courses, 1 project work, 4 complementary courses, and 4 common courses each in both English and Commerce and 2 open courses with a total of 120 credits. M. Com programme offers specialization in Finance and has five courses in each semester. The programme has four semesters and demands seminars, project works and assignments. The syllabi of both these programmes have been revised by the university as per the requirements of the learners which enable them to understand the dynamic changes in the business environment and to undertake their own business activities, understand the various aspects of management and develop administrative skills, IT based accounting work, legal framework of business, recent trends in banking sector and capital market. The optional subject, ‘Income Tax Law and Practice’ gives the students the basic idea of the procedure of income tax assessment practiced in India. The general courses offered are beneficial to the students to improve their environmental awareness and numerical ability.